What Is Type II Collagen?

What Is Type II Collagen?

Type II collagen is a naturally occurring protein found in the hyaline cartilage and articular cartilage of humans. Hyaline cartilage does not contain any blood vessels or nerves and is found in some parts of the body, such as the ribs, larynx, and trachea. Articular cartilage does not contain blood vessels and can be found in the ear, nose, etc., collagen can reduce joint inflammation to allow it to play its normal physiological role. Collagen is known for its efficacy in being able to promote tissue repair, and because of this, type II collagen is often used in skin care products to exert anti-aging effects on the skin. These effects may be controversial and, therefore, care is taken when choosing a skin care procedure. This form of collagen is a group of proteins responsible for creating the active joints of the body. Articular cartilage, present in the bones that make up the joint, contains type II collagen. It also helps form the various connective tissues of the body. Because of this role, it has been studied extensively to treat diseases associated with these parts of the body.






Trials have shown that type II collagen contains a substance called chondroitin sulfate, a compound thought to have anti-inflammatory effects on some connective tissues in the body, that it is often used in medicine to treat conditions such as arthritis, and many studies have concluded that this compound is safer and has fewer side effects than other anti-inflammatory preparations, including ibuprofen. Ibuprofen, as an anti-inflammatory drug, is considered to be less safe than type II collagen. Cartilage matrix glycoprotein (cmgp) is another substance in this class of collagens. Cmgp carries copper, a trace mineral essential for maintaining a healthy function of the body, a substance that helps to improve antioxidant protection in the joint and to preserve proper function of the joint by preserving joint lubrication and buffering. Type II collagen can be found in the larynx and trachea, and it is also considered a component beneficial for joint growth. Type II collagen is a naturally occurring protein found in cartilage including the knee.


Type II collagen is also sometimes used to treat painful arthritis.

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